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[sigplus] Critical error: The Graphics Draw (gd) or ImageMagick (imagick) image processing library has to be enabled in the PHP configuration to generate thumbnails.

Castor Mulcher

Verstell Mulchgerät Castor


The CASTOR mulcher with its seamless hydraulic width adjustment,
offers the opportunity to mow in rows of varying widths. The center gearbox
is fixed and has a transmission shaft that allows the 2 outer gearboxes to
move seamlessly. This proven technology reduces wear and keeps the running
costs low.

Technical Data

Other advantages are:
Compact and reliable
Stable construction guaranteeing a long life
 Fast cutting, reducing the operation time during high season
 Large over-cut between the knives even at full width
 Even distribution of the grass behind the machine
 Large dimensioned front rollers
 Large dimensioned, height adjustable rear roller


Type Gesamtbreite m Arbeitsbreite m Gewicht kg
CASTOR 1150 1,15 1,14 - 1,45 505
CASTOR 1250 1,25 1,24 - 1,66 520
CASTOR 1350 1,35 1,34 - 1,80 530
CASTOR 1450 1,45 1,44 - 2,00 535